Unparalleled Criminal Defense Experience In State And Federal Court

Federal Crime Defense In Pennsylvania

Those charged with a federal crime face a much more serious set of sentencing guidelines than typical charges, which could potentially result in a grave impact to your future. If you are charged with a federal crime, it is critical that you have an attorney with the experience and understanding in federal court to confront the charges, navigate the federal justice system and fight on your behalf for the best possible outcome.

At the Law Offices of John J. Fioravanti Jr. in Bucks County, our federal crime defense lawyer has the depth of experience and legal knowledge to skillfully advocate on your behalf. The federal courts have unique sentencing guidelines that are significantly more serious than state crimes. We understand the nuances and intricacies of trying these cases and are prepared to fight to ensure that your rights are protected.

If The Alleged Crime Crosses State Lines, It Becomes A Federal Offense

Many times, federal crimes involve illegal activity that has crossed state lines to other states or regions of the country. This can include types of Internet crimes, drug manufacturing and distribution, child pornography, weapons and gun charges, conspiracy charges, RICO, certain types of robbery and other specifically charged offenses.

We will thoroughly investigate the circumstances of the charges, the allegations of the prosecutor and the manner in which law enforcement arrested you. We will deal with issues that may have impacted the allegedly illegal activities, including entrapment by law enforcement and issues of illegal search and seizure to ensure that your rights were not violated.

Count On Our Attorney To Fight For You

We will navigate the federal court system on your behalf, seeking to minimize charges, if possible, and fight for the best possible outcome. We are highly experienced in this area of law and have been successful in many cases.

To ensure that you are fully protected by aggressive and skilled advocates, turn to the firm you can trust. To arrange a consultation, please contact our Doylestown, Pennsylvania, law firm by calling 267-454-6002 or by emailing us.